Charter for Children and Young People

The Charter for Children and Young People sets out 20 aspirational conditions that all young South Australians, can and should have to thrive.

The conditions in the Charter represent the voices of children and young people, and reflects what is important to them – having a good home life, having support from trusted adults, being listened to, participating in decisions that affect them, opportunity for a quality education, employment and most importantly, being respected and valued.

The Charter for Children and Young People reflects a commitment to work from a foundation of state, national and international children’s rights including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and other human rights instruments.

The Charter calls on all South Australians to play an active role in improving  outcomes for all children and young people in our State.

Charter Ambassador Program

The Charter Ambassador Program aims to empower young individuals to drive positive change, and foster awareness about the Charter within their schools and communities.

Through the program, Charter Ambassadors can develop a better understanding of their place in society and the role they can play in shaping the future. The program grows their sense of connectedness with their community, their peers and themselves.