
Determining the data gaps

Good quality data are fundamental to government and policy makers for creating strategies, setting objectives or developing and implementing policies affecting children and young people. Data gaps inhibit South Australia’s decision makers to make informed decisions.

This dashboard shows the severity of the data gaps for the 67 measures of the Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People.

Quality of the reported data

Reporting under the Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People relies mainly on publicly available summarised data.

This dashboard assesses the quality of the available data, rating the data from poor to good in terms of completeness, consistency and reliability.

Engagement in education and the workforce

Participation in education, employment or training among young people has been linked to future employment, higher incomes and job security, positioning them for social and economic advantage and social inclusion. Young people who finish Year 12 or similar are more likely to complete further study or training, get a job, earn more and be better prepared for future challenges.

This dashboard displays data for the levels of enrolment and involvement of 15-19 year-olds in South Australia. The explanatory notes unpack the evidence using the most current data available.

Babies are born healthy

Children and young people who are born healthy and have a healthy start are more likely to be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy as they grow up and to enjoy good health outcomes throughout their lives. Factors that may adversely affect longer-term health outcomes include smoking during pregnancy and babies born with a low birthweight. Protective factors inducive to good outcomes include early and regular antenatal care.

This dashboard report displays data by region, for six key measures, that may affect the early development, birth and outcomes of babies born in South Australia.