CYP Matters
Respect and listening
Mission Australia Youth Survey Report 2023
This report details findings from 19,501 responses to the Youth Survey 2023. Young people identified concerns relating to the environment, equity and discrimination, the economy and financial matters and mental health. More >
‘Take it Seriously’: Children’s experiences of Racism within Secondary Schools
This report from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales looks at children’s experiences of racism in secondary schools. Their views were documented through focus groups and interviews. Findings indicate that racist language is ‘being normalised’ and racism can be experienced in many ways from microaggressions to verbal and physical abuse. More >
Enjoying and achieving
School refusal impacts two in five Australian families – survey
While school refusal is often blamed on disability, mental health challenges, or passed off as misbehaviour, the reality is that it is the product of an extreme stress response which leaves a child simply incapable of attending school. More >
Two new Aboriginal language hubs for NSW aim to boost language learning
The Ninganah No More language program aims to increase the level of Aboriginal languages being taught in early childhood education and care services, helping to foster a lifelong connection to Country, culture and learning. More >
Engaging young children (0–5 years) in nature play
Nature play is a specific type of play that is freely chosen, child-led and unstructured, and includes interactions with natural elements such as trees, rocks, plants, dirt and water. Activities tend to be physical, imaginative, sensory-rich and collaborative and involves being curious about the surroundings, being creative and solving problems. More >
Rethinking education to spur student motivation – and fun
More than 150 schools across Europe participated in the Make it Open project which aims to overcome barriers to science education with on-site visits, off-site trips and remote learning. More >
Let us learn: Systemic inquiry into the education experiences of children and young people in out-of-home care
Children and young people in out-of-home care are far more likely to be disengaged from school than their peers, but not by choice. Overwhelmingly, students in the care system want not only to learn, but to do well and feel good at school. More >
Engaging children with disability in supported decision making
Children with disability, like all children, have the right to express themselves and to have their views heard. This short article outlines what supported decision making is, why children with disability can and should be engaged as decision makers, and the evidence about using supported decision making to support them towards exercising this right. More >
Prepared for adult life
Life Skills 101: Preparing the next generation for post-school success
Navigating the transition from school to the next phase of life can be challenging for young people and they can become overwhelmed by the information they receive. No matter which path they choose, having a plan and being prepared can help them stay one step ahead. More >
Health and wellbeing
‘Instead of suspending us, help us quit’: Teens speak out on vaping
The NSW Education Department plans to install 40 thousand vape detectors into school bathrooms to tackle vaping, however, nicotine-addicted teenagers plead to be supported to quit rather than be suspended from school. More >
Early intervention program diverts at-risk families from homelessness
With cost-of-living pressures, low vacancy rates, high rental costs and growing wait lists for public housing, research from Western Australia shows how a new outreach program has provided rapid support to prevent more than three quarters of at-risk families from falling into homelessness. More >
Food relief in South Australia – how to improve nutrition and prevent waste
South Australia is renowned for its tremendous food production. So why are so many people going hungry? This research is focused on improving access to nutritious meals for communities experiencing food insecurity at the same time as exploring how to better use harvest surpluses, while reducing green waste. More >
Children’s right to a healthy environment: an Australian perspective 2023
This report examines how Australian law does and does not protect children from environmental harm, and how legislation is failing to protect a child’s right to a healthy environment. The report investigates international moves to incorporate this right into law showing where Australia should do more. More >
Working together to deliver the NDIS
The final report of the NDIS Review makes 26 recommendations to change the system that supports people with disability. The Review engaged with people with disability, their families, carers and providers and workers and the recommendations reflect their voices. More >
Child Poverty in the Midst of Wealth
In a time of general prosperity, more than 69 million children live in poverty in some of the world’s richest countries. Poverty is often defined by income, but for most children, poverty is about more than just money. More >
Safe and nurtured
Kids in police cells: time to upgrade our facilities, and our thinking
In past months, concerns have been raised across the country about the detention of children and young people in police cells. This is not just an issue occurring in other states and territories, it is happening in South Australia. More >
Family Matters Report 2023
The Family Matters Report examines government actions to address the over-representation and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in child protection systems. It highlights Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions and calls on governments to support and invest in the strengths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to lead on child wellbeing, development and safety responses for children. More >
The Australian Child Maltreatment Study: 2023 Brief Report
The ACMS was designed to identify how many Australians in the general population experienced any of the five types of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and exposure to domestic violence), and to estimate the associated impacts on key health outcomes through life. More >
Why language matters: why we shouldn’t talk about the ‘risky behaviour’ of young people experiencing abuse
Taking risks is an important part of growing up. It helps young people discover who they are, expand their skills and develop their independence. Focussing on risk-taking behaviour can imply that the young person has a level of responsibility for what has happened to them, when in fact abuse is never a young person’s fault. More >
Scoping project for the National Child and Family Investment Strategy: Final Report
The National Child and Family Investment Strategy (NCFIS) is an initiative under Safe and Supported: The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2022-32. The aim of the NCFIS is to prevent at-risk children and families from coming into contact with the child protection system and improve their life outcomes. The National Children’s Commissioner undertook a literature review, consultations and roundtables with stakeholders. More >
Podcast: Understanding how early childhood educators can support children who have experienced trauma
When a child experiences a traumatic event, it can have a lasting effect on them. Along with family members, educators are often the ones to see these effects, and they can help by providing a safe space and supporting the child. More >